C# Read Text File Line-by-Line


Here is the code to read a text file from disk one line at a time into a string.  This code ensures the file exists and properly closes the file if an exception occurs.

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C# Overloaded Methods with Inherited Arguments


This article discusses one of those programming topics that may be confusing at first but seems obvious once you know it.

As you know, C# enables you to overload the same method in a class with different arguments.  But it’s also possible to overload a method with arguments that inherit from one another.

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Find the Root of a C# Hierarchy


Many objects in .NET are stored in a hierarchy.  For example: controls, files and folders, and anything you would normally display in a tree view.  There are many different algorithms for finding the root of a hierarchy.  Here is one of them:

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Interview with C# Leader Anders Hejlsberg

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Computerworld has published an in-depth interview with Microsoft’s leader of C# development, Anders Hejlsberg.  A prominent Danish software engineer, Hejlsberg also wrote Turbo Pascal and was lead architect of the team that developed Delphi.  Hejlsberg shared with Computerworld his thoughts on the development of C#, future programming trends, and his experiences putting out fires.  Here is a brief excerpt:

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Determine if Your C# Application is 64-bit


It’s easy to determine if your C# application is 64-bit.  Just check the Size property of IntPtr.  If it’s 8, then your application is 64-bit.  If it’s 4, then your application is 32-bit.

Here is a simple C# console program to demonstrate this:

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C# Switch Case Order Doesn’t Matter


The order of C# switch case statements in your code has no effect on performance.

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Sort C# Array in Descending/Reverse Order


How do you sort a C# array in descending or reverse order?  A simple way is to sort the array in ascending order, then reverse it:

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Check Valid File Path in C#


It’s not a trivial exercise to validate a file path on a Windows PC.  There are a few special cases depending on the file system and operating subsystem:

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Display an RTF File that’s a C# Embedded Resource


It’s easy to display an RTF file — that was embedded as a resource in a C# program — in a Windows Form RichTextControl.

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Add Shaded Rows to ListView Details View


Sometimes it can be challenging to read the Details view in a ListView, especially if the rows are long.  This article shows how to add shading to every second row to make a ListView easier to read.

ListView Shaded Rows

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