New .NET Logo


New .NET Logo

The .NET development team at Microsoft has created a new .NET logo (shown above).  Their goal was to create a logo “that was in sync with the key values that we want .NET to stand for: consistency, robustness and great user experiences.  The result is a design we refer to as the ‘wave.’  The design is strong, simple and distinctive.  The suggestion of the letter ‘N’ in the design will become instantly recognizable over time as shorthand for the .NET brand name.”

Find the Root of a C# Hierarchy


Many objects in .NET are stored in a hierarchy.  For example: controls, files and folders, and anything you would normally display in a tree view.  There are many different algorithms for finding the root of a hierarchy.  Here is one of them:

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Mono v2.0 .NET for Linux Released

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Mono is an open source implementation of the .NET framework for Linux, Windows, MacOS and other operating systems.  Mono v2.0 was just released and represents a major milestone in the Mono project.


Microsoft Unveils Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4.0

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Microsoft announced the next version of its developer platform, which will be named Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0.  Microsoft said VS10 will focus on five key areas (in marketing-speak): riding the next-generation platform wave, inspiring developer delight, powering breakthrough departmental applications, enabling emerging trends such as cloud computing, and democratizing application life-cycle management (ALM).


Interview with C# Leader Anders Hejlsberg

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Computerworld has published an in-depth interview with Microsoft’s leader of C# development, Anders Hejlsberg.  A prominent Danish software engineer, Hejlsberg also wrote Turbo Pascal and was lead architect of the team that developed Delphi.  Hejlsberg shared with Computerworld his thoughts on the development of C#, future programming trends, and his experiences putting out fires.  Here is a brief excerpt:

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